COMMUNITY VOLUNTEER RUN ORGANIZATION - Providing groomed cross-country ski trails and programming in the heart of St. Albert for all ages.

1979 - 2024
Celebrating 45 Years
Annual Fundraiser
Help us make great trails and programming for our community.
Volunteer with SANSC
We welcome new volunteers. We would love you to join our team. Reach out to us!
Email: sanscpresident@gmail.com
- Social Ski Thursday Nights at 7pm
- Cookie Race Details Feb 22, 1:00pm
- Nordic Ski Day - Feb 23, 1-3:30pm
- Adult Lessons are open NOW!
Follow us on FB and Insta for updates.
Please bring your friends and family to take part in our annual Cookie Race/Loppet, one of our favourite annual events! It is NOT a competitive race but rather a fun, festive, wholesome, and delicious event. This year we are adapting to the season and may be hosting a run instead of a ski but the heart of the races is still the same...having fun with friends in the outdoors while racing.
What is a loppet? According to Cross Country Canada, "It is a great gathering of skiers who ski on a specifically groomed trail either classic (diagonal stride) or free (skating technique) of various distances. Enormous amounts of food and drink are consumed during the event. After, there is a party and celebratory banquet with awards and prizes and usually a dance." During this race/loppet, run the more distance children complete, the more cookies they receive. Obviously, the more cookies they receive, the happier children are! If this sounds like fun, please join us for this year's Cookie Race/Loppet!
EVENT DETAILS: Sunday, February 25, 2024 is our much celebrated annual Cookie Marathon. This event runs between 1:00 - 3:00 pm. This is a fun event for all ages (from 2-102 years), including parents and grandparents.
**NOTE: with the snowpack being a little less this year our ski has turned into a run. It is all about being adaptable, getting exercise and most of all having fun! Check your emails to see if you are bringing skis or runners or both ;-) Definitely a run!
HOW IT WORKS: All skiers in our Sunday youth program will participate in this event, and coaches will be available to ski with their groups as needed. First you determine your lap distance:
Kingswood Loop (750 m)
Meadow Loop (1.5 km)
Riverlot Loop (2.5 km)
How many laps can you ski? (Classic Technique only) Our coaches will help you pick your lap distance. Skiers will then be encouraged to ski laps of the length they chose, and each lap will take them past the cookie station.
REGISTRATION: The Cookie Race is free for club members. For any non-members, registration is $5. Registration is online through our website.
Just click on the cookie!
COOKIES: Please bring a dozen cookies per participant. These can be store bought or home made. There will be separate tables for dietary accommodations including nut-free and gluten-free treats. Please label your treats appropriately!
THANK YOU VOLUNTEERS: Our club could not run without the dedication of our amazing volunteers. Whether you are marshalling, grooming, baking cookies, working a fundraiser or helping on the board, we want to express our gratitude to you!
THANK YOU SPONSORS: Many thanks to our sponsors of this event who will be providing door prizes and other treats: TRACK 'N TRAIL.
Come enjoy the best ski trails in St. Albert and fill your belly with cookies!