COMMUNITY VOLUNTEER RUN ORGANIZATION - Providing groomed cross-country ski trails and programming in the heart of St. Albert for all ages.
1979 - 2024
Celebrating 45 Years
Ski Lessons
Youth Program Registration
2024/2025 Season
AGM Oct 20 noon-2pm
We welcome new board members. We are in need of people who like to work with numbers and social media.
Registration for Youth Lessons are open. Adult Lessons will open after the snow flies.
AGM October 20 from noon to 2pm.
Follow us on FB and Insta for updates.
Fall Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Sunday October 15, 2023 from 12:00pm to 2:00pm
Kingswood Park - SANSC Ski Shed
Join us Sunday afternoon for our in person AGM! Come for a free BBQ, meet the current board members, learn about the ski club plans for the 2023/2024 season and meet the local ski community! A few of our youth coaches will also be in attendance to meet new skiers and entertain the kiddos during the AGM. Track and Trail will be there with samples so that you can ask questions and even buy a set of skis for the upcoming season. The big attraction though is our newest grooming machines and the groomers that created it will be happy to answer your 'icy' questions.
BBQ from 12:00pm to 1:00pm
AGM from 1:00pm to 2:00pm
1. Welcome and Introductions of Current Board Members
2. Approval of Agenda
Motion: To adopt the agenda as presented for the 2022 AGM
3. Adoption of Minutes from the 2022 Annual General Meeting
Motion: To adopt the minutes of the 2022 AGM
4. President/Vice-President Report - Laura Talboys/Keith Fredin
Questions from Members
5. Treasurer's Report - Terry Olsen. Presentation of Financial Statements and Balance Sheets.
Questions from Members
6. Director's Reports (3 minutes each - 24 minutes)
Youth Program - Roxanne Walter
Adult Program - Maxine Clarke
Special Events - Shawn Andersen
Trails - Rob Campbell
Membership - Betty Coyne
Communications - Michelle Guest-Moore
Volunteer Coordinator - Vonda Bobart
Questions from Members
7. Election of Board Directors. Request will be made at the meeting for nominees.
Treasurer - vacant
Adult Program Coordinator - vacant
Volunteer Coordinator - vacant
Granting financial signing authority of new officers (President and Vice President)
Releasing ongoing officers from future liability (President and Vice President)
8. Volunteer Recognition​
9. Adjournment